by Rabbibailey | May 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
46 sheb a unified organiz./governm. can privide amazing education and develop minds
47 sheb absolute control over the self/by a group can cause healing for many ppl
48 sheb the best way to fix issues & restructure is against our will; a benevolent king is the best government
by Rabbibailey | May 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
45 sheb PATRIOTISM beauty of government/organizations; government utilizing symbolism and metaphor – can be used for better and for worse, to inspire or to control
by Rabbibailey | May 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
44 sheb “The rock that the builders despised has become the cornerstone” strong leaders grow up misunderstood
If you think you’ll be a strong leader one day, the first thing to do is wait. Build yourself up, rather than criticize the way others do things.
by Rabbibailey | May 27, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#omer 43 #chesed sheb #malchut unmitigated power/ego. Destruction vs focused power like David vs goliath #the7w
by Rabbibailey | May 26, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
42 sheb to be a true connector & incluener one must master all aspects of ppl–feeling, thinking, introv, inrov,.. etc
by Rabbibailey | May 25, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
41 sheb deep personal connection/intimacy; uniting disparate parts for a purpose;
by Rabbibailey | May 22, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
38 sheb balance of my ideas-what you can hear/my changing-what people can handle; often imagery & symbols #influence
39 sheb challenging ideology; redoing education; revolutionary facts
40 sheb ; typing; challenging emotions & relationships to improve; heal feelings
by Rabbibailey | May 21, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
37 sheb if you have big ideas or plans for change, hold back!!!!! it takes time until people are ready
by Rabbibailey | May 20, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
36 sheb unmitigated visionary thinking, planning, innovative ideas
by Rabbibailey | May 19, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
34 (last nite/2day) sheb caring/empathy builds connection; emotional experiences can unite groups
35 sheb caring/empathy can enable you to manipulate/control people OR make them independent- choose wisely
by Rabbibailey | May 15, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
31 sheb give a gift/caring gesture the *recipient* wants NOT YOU the symbolism lies in the recipient not giver
32 sheb release of stress/healing emotional issues leads to better studying/concentration
33 shebhod help ppl b/c theyre unique indiv./ ppl feel better when made to feel unique and validated

by Rabbibailey | May 14, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
29 sheb unmitigated helping. We mjust care, care care…be obsessed with helping
30 (Tomm) sheb often, it’s better not to help. Better for you..better for them