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The One Basic Resolution to Conflict: A Quick Simple Way to Improve Your Marriage or Office & Why the Sonics-Thunder Sham Hurts so Much (for non-Sports people too)

  PDF Shlach Sonics Attachment To lessen conflict between two or more individuals—such as a married couple or people who are having a dispute—the crux of the solution is for each party to comprehend and empathize with the other person’s opinion (they need not truly agree). People have a very high ability to work out their own problems, when low levels of negativity are present (Gottman 1999) and they can feel for the other person (Johnson 2008).

Married couples want to be close, and when they are able to stop bickering about the details of the past and start talking about the feelings behind their conflict, they naturally begin to calm down and work with their partner (Such as, “It has always been very hard for me when people do that around me” rather than “It’s so stupid when you act that way!”) (Gottman, 1999, Johnson 2008).

When people who are having a dispute and can truly understand the other side, they work more cooperatively.

When Israel loses aspects to its close relationship with G-d, the nation is sad and despondent (Num. 14). As humans, we have a need for healthy, constructive attachments, and when we lose items or people to which we are attached, we experience sadness and distress. When we bicker and perpetuate discord, our emotional well-being suffers because of this.

Though enjoying professional sports is an outlet and not a relationship with an actual person, one can develop an attachment to their favorite team or players. As (potentially) healthy recreational activity, when these enjoyments are ripped from someone, such as the Seattle Supersonics were from me and my hometown fans, it hurts. To watch the team as it is now win in the finals is painful.

When billionaires and CEOs buy and sell teems out of frustration and deception, the fans suffer; those who are the most attached, most connected and dedicated to the team are the ones who are left with a deep void and pain. For non-sports fans, it is analogous to ones favorite character unexpectedly and disappointingly turning evil or ones most beloved teacher being forced to work for another, less cherished school.

To learn more about the sham of my team being stolen, search “Sonicsgate” online. More importantly, to appreciate real, tangible, healthy relationships (with actual people!) open your ears and your heart and ask of your friends and family to do the same.

[Tell a friend about The Seven Ways!]



Gottman (1999) Gottman, J. M.  (1999). The Marriage Clinic: A scientifically based marital therapy. New York: Norton.

Johnson, S. (2008). Hold Me Tight: Seven conversations for a lifetime of love. New York: Little, Brown, and Co.