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Be Like Rebecca, A Rose Among Thorns

Don’t Blame Your Environment

  PDF – Passover Rose & Thorns Enviroment

The expression “…like a rose among thorns…”[1] is understood [2] as alluding to the Biblical Rebecca. She grew up to be a person of good deeds, distinctly different, like a rose next to thorns, than her corrupt family.   

Israel, conversely, lived in Egypt, acting and appearing exactly the same as the Egyptians[3]. Gd had to extract Israel with great “difficulty”, as one would painstakingly pick a rose from a thorny bush.

The lesson is that, though it is human nature to be impacted by our environment, we must remember that we7-WAYS (2) have the ability to be self-motivated and independent. Bad influences do not automatically create people of bad deeds.

Many read Song of Songs, where this expression is mentioned, on Passover. Passover is the commemoration of the birth of Israel, and it is a yearly reminder to be self-motivated and to be distinct from our environment, if need be, to stay healthy.

Moadim Besimcha and have a Chag Kasher Vesameach!

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[1] Song of Songs 2:2
[2] Song of Songs Rabbah 2:2:1
[3] Ibid. 2.