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The Previous post “Strict or Lenient” is a piece that I cut out of The Seven Ways as I was knee-deep in the editing process. It’s from thegevurah chapter (which is clear from the topic) and should be treated as full bonus content. As I was writing the book, it became clear that I had to trim it down to a size that was manageable to read and easy to use. I tried to include only the essence of the essence of the ideas about the seven personalities. Lucky for you, the reader of this site, I will be posting lots of content that didn’t make it into the book! Anything I chopped out of the book or filtered before it could get there ended up in documents I dubbed “Scraps Taken From the Book” or “Interesting Things That Are Answered Up”. These files were bigger than the book file by the time I was done (!). I hope you find them intriguing and that they “answer up” many of life’s difficult questions. For two more bonus content pieces that are very relevant to The Seven Ways book and personality system, including how I came up with the idea for the system, see Rabbi B