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In this post I discuss: Secrets of the book: I included hidden nuggets of information within the interviews; also, how you can positively impact yourself tremendously from the book. I realized that there are several different ways to read The Seven Ways that (1) people find most beneficial and (2) make the book even easier to read (I say ‘even’ because I worked very hard to make it easy to read and people have told me that they find it as such). I present the top 4 ways to read the book: #1) Read the chapter that deals with your personality first. In Chapter 10, I bring a checklist that assists the reader in discovering his or her personality. Once you know your primary middah/attribute you will find a tremendous amount of benefit in reading about your middah. I recently befriended a tiferet student who was blown away when he read the tiferet chapter. It really, really helped him to understand himself, namely, that he needed to set aside time and a place to do his art and poetry in order to help restore balance and happiness to his life. The same thing happened with a gevurah. He was so glad that the gevurah chapter validated his need for a rigidly structured daily schedule. A guidance counselor recently remarked in this vein, “It’s like advice for your personal soul.” #2) The old fashioned way: read from the beginning to end. Sounds lame to some, but you wont be disappointed; the book builds on itself each step of the way. Just when you think it may be insightful but one dimensional, two more dimensions pop up at you. Then four more, and you to get 7 full sets of ideas that help you in all parts of life and interpersonal relations. #3) Skip around! Many people like to jump around when they read; I wouldn’t ever say that there’s something wrong with that! Many people especially like to skip to the chapter on Love and Dating… #4) Skip the content: Just read the interviews! Enjoy meeting the seven types of people and hearing about their intriguing lives. #5) Skip the interviews: Take that #4! I have found that certain people who are very analytical or analytically oriented (usually netzachs or people who have practiced a lot of netzach-like analytic thinking in the recent past) do not enjoy the interviews as much as most people. It is important to note that I included a lot of hidden nuggets of information about the seven sefirot and personalities in the interviews, so the fact that one may read them as all style (tiferet) with no content (netzach) is false. I sought out interesting people who had interesting lives and stories to tell. I put people in the book for you to “meet” so you would be able to observe, in a way, the seven types. No matter how they read the book, no reader has been disappointed yet! Many people have enjoyed the insights and self-discovery, click here to purchase or here to browse on Amazon to discover yours. Rabbi B