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Lech-Lecha: The Secret to “Being Yourself” & Removing Jealousy Bereishis/Genesis (Ch. 12) (2022)

Spotify Anchor   See Apple and other platforms YouTube Avraham Avinu (Abraham), Kayin & Hevel (Cain and Able), Adam the first Man, some people “get it” and others don’t. The work is ‘individuation’ and ‘differentiation’, not to be emotionally sunken into a group. Be yourself, reduce conflict, and become a better…leader…parents…everything. (Works for Lech-Lecha (Ch. 12) and Bereishis (Ch. 2) #lechlecha #bereishit #bereishis #torah #chumash #genesis #abraham #cainandabel #adam          

Sefer Shoftim Ch.13-21 Downstream from Religion Series (Jewish Version)

Shimshon Part 1: the Hero We Needed, Not the Hero We Wanted Apple Ch. 13-16; Shimshon Part 2: Spiritual Power, Not Physical; The Epitomal Shofet Apple Ch. 17-18; Pesel Micha: The Importance of Fathers Apple Ch. 19-21; Pilegesh B’Givah: Lawlessness Equals Aggression, Not Freedom Apple  

Sefer Shoftim/Book of Judges Map of Judges

Maps Related to “Downstream from Religion” series. Jewish Version  General Audience Chapters 1-2. All maps from Atlas Daat Mikra, published by the Rabbi Kook Institute in Jerusalem, all rights reserved. מקור המפות “אטלס דעת מקרא”- בהוצאת מוסד הרב קוק ירושלים, כל הזכויות שמורות  

Shoftim/Judges Maps “Red Region” Autonomous Zones & Avraham’s Journey

Maps Related to “Downstream from Religion” series. Jewish Version  General Audience Chapters 1-2. All maps from Atlas Daat Mikra, published by the Rabbi Kook Institute in Jerusalem, all rights reserved. מקור המפות “אטלס דעת מקרא”- בהוצאת מוסד הרב קוק ירושלים, כל הזכויות שמורות

Book of Shoftim / Judges Intro

−−> Intro #1 Jewish Audience Apple  Spotify −−> Intro #2 Jewish Audience Apple Spotify −−> General audience Spotify Apple   –> Sefer Shoftim (The Book of Judges) contains many important parallels to our world today, highlighting both the problems and solutions. In this episode, I introduce the listener to my Derech ha’Limud/methodology for the series, as well as set up the necessary background, transitioning from Sefer Yehoshua (book of Joshua).   –> How the Book of Judges from the Bible explains the cataclysmic problems in our world today… but provides crucial solutions. Host Rabbi Ian P. Bailey, LCPC, brings ancient Jewish sources and innovative psychological ideas to illuminate ancient texts and give practical advice to improve our spiritual lives and mental health.  
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Previous Post + Bonus Content

The Previous post “Strict or Lenient” is a piece that I cut out of The Seven Ways as I was knee-deep in the editing process. It’s from thegevurah chapter (which is clear from the topic) and should be treated as full bonus content. As I was writing the book, it became clear that I had to trim it down to a size that was manageable to read and easy to use. I tried to include only the essence of the essence of the ideas about the seven personalities. Lucky for you, the reader of this site, I will be