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Does your name relate to your personality?

When Noach’s parent’s give him his name[1], they hope he will bring ease (“yeNACHameinu”) to their difficulty with working the land that Hashem had cursed. How do they know that Noach would go on to invent tools, etc., that did indeed ease their toil[2]?

The answer is that your name directly relates to your personality- “A name is causative”[3].noah's ark

You are given certain abilities and skill sets, and you have the ability to use them for good or for bad, for constructive or wasteful activities[4].

In my work with the sefirot of personality, I have seen that, far more often than is statistically expected, people’s names relate to their personality; I would even say the vast majority of the time. Someone named Ya’akov usually has the middah of tiferet/creativity in their 3 middot or in their conditioning. The same with New Coverthe name Moshe and Netzach/investigating-analyzing.

To learn more about your personality, see The Seven Ways

Your name causes your abilities[5]. Just as you don’t use someone else’s name, don’t try to use their abilities. Use yours and maximize yourself to the fullest.

To read more about the different types click here or here 
[1] Bereishit 5:29.
[2] Zohar Bereishit 58b (Sulam Bereishit siman 430). It’s also important to remember the tradition that the parent’s of a child have ruach hakodesh, the divine spirit of the [temple] sanctuary, that gives them a low-level prophesy in giving the name. This likely facilities assuring that the child’s name and personality/abilities match up.
[3]See Brachos 7b.
[4] This is the meaning of what the Zohar (Bereishit 58b) says, “The names of the righteous cause their destiny for good, and those of the wicked for evil.” The beginning of the paragraph shows that this is not predestined behavior, rather, the use of one’s abilities as they relate to personality (i.e. retrospective not prospective): “When Noach was born, they gave him a name which connotes ease, [in the hope that] the name would be causative.”
[5] …and your G-d-influenced destiny. It is for this reasons that Avraham’s and Sarah’s name were changed, and why it is such a big deal, in Judaism, for people to keep their name, and a big deal to change one’s name.