About The Book
The Seven Ways book is an active adventure based on insightful interviews with members of each personality type; peppered throughout are key texts in Jewish thought and kabbalah that will stimulate your intellect. Join the hundreds of people who’ve already purchased and benefited.
I can provide you with exclusive training in the Seven Ways system and offer private, affordable services to individuals, couples, groups and businesses, based on the Seven Ways system, classic personality systems, and innovative communication and educational methods.
Sefirat HaoMer 41: Yesod ShebYEsod
#omer 41 #yesod sheb #yesod deep personal connection/intimacy; uniting disparate parts for a purpose; #connective #sefirah #the7w
Sefirat Haomer 38, 39, & 40: Tiferet, Netzach, & Hod ShebYesod
#omer 38 #tiferet sheb #yesod balance of my ideas-what you can hear/my changing-what people can handle; often imagery & symbols #influence #sefirah #the7w #omer 39 #netzach sheb #yesod challenging ideology; redoing education; revolutionary facts #sefirah#the7w #omer 40 #hod sheb #yesod#psychology; #personality typing; challenging emotions & relationships to improve; heal feelings #sefirah#the7w
Sefirat HaOmer 37: Gevurah ShebYesod
#omer 37 #gevurah sheb #yesod if you have big ideas or plans for change, hold back!!!!! it takes time until people are ready #sefirah #the7w