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Rabbi Bailey

Rabbi Bailey’s professional experience includes pastoral counseling, teaching classes in various topics within Judaism, and Jewish- and academic-based psychology; giving self-development workshops and seminars; career counseling; and running outreach programs.

About The Book

The Seven Ways book is an active adventure based on insightful interviews with members of each personality type; peppered throughout are key texts in Jewish thought and kabbalah that will stimulate your intellect. Join the hundreds of people who’ve already purchased and benefited.


I can provide you with exclusive training in the Seven Ways system and offer private, affordable services to individuals, couples, groups and businesses, based on the Seven Ways system, classic personality systems, and innovative communication and educational methods.


Omer 6 & 7: Yesod and Malchus ShebChesed

Omer 6 & 7 yesod and malchut shebchesed giving can influence people and have a big impact on them- positive but even control, #sefirat #haomer  

Sefirat HaOmer: 4 & 5 netzach and hod shebchesed

#Omer 4 netzach shebchesed the moral fight for life Our values about supporting life/dealing with survival… ppls fervor to help living things (ppl, animals, plants) #omer 5 hod shebchesed: We find people involved in helping life amazing. When you see specialness in people you can support them best #sefirat #haomer