About The Book
The Seven Ways book is an active adventure based on insightful interviews with members of each personality type; peppered throughout are key texts in Jewish thought and kabbalah that will stimulate your intellect. Join the hundreds of people who’ve already purchased and benefited.
I can provide you with exclusive training in the Seven Ways system and offer private, affordable services to individuals, couples, groups and businesses, based on the Seven Ways system, classic personality systems, and innovative communication and educational methods.

Why Isn’t Sodom Destroyed with Water? Or Noah’s Generation with Salt & Fire? Vayera and the Moral Fabric of Society (Chesed & Gevurah)
Why isn’t Sodom Destroyed with Water? Or Noah’s Generation with Salt & Fire? Vayera and the Moral Fabric of Society (Chesed & Gevurah) Man says, “It was just a few beans!” and Gd says, “It was just a few drops of water.” Sodom is destroyed with fire and salt, and Noah’s generation receives a flood. […]
Does your name relate to your personality? Noach and the Name Game
Does your name relate to your personality? When Noach’s parent’s give him his name[1], they hope
Ushpizing Printout for Sukkot: The Prayers and Deeper Ideas Behind the Ushpizin
Printout, Prayers, & Deeper Ideas Behind the Ushpizin ushpizin printout On Sukkot, we commemorate Israel’s dwelling in the desert in Sukkahs with