About The Book
The Seven Ways book is an active adventure based on insightful interviews with members of each personality type; peppered throughout are key texts in Jewish thought and kabbalah that will stimulate your intellect. Join the hundreds of people who’ve already purchased and benefited.
I can provide you with exclusive training in the Seven Ways system and offer private, affordable services to individuals, couples, groups and businesses, based on the Seven Ways system, classic personality systems, and innovative communication and educational methods.

The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version – How to Incorporate the Word “Consanguineous” Gratuitously
The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version PDF Printout Opposites Don’t Attract Israel cries because
To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question: Tips on Dealing with Difficult People
To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question Tips on Dealing with Difficult People Printable PDF [due to the fact that one of the reasons for the maladies brought about in this week’s parshioth is interpersonal disharmony, I offer this post on facilitating harmony and communication] Check out to my guest post on Anticipate […]
5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education & Brief Praise for The 7W Book
5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education & Brief Praise for The 7W Book Printable PDF Experiential Learning “Thank you so much for sharing [The Seven Ways]… I loved the line [by the creativity-filled Chapter 3 interviewee], ‘someone took…the time to teach me in a way that I needed to be taught.’” – A well-seasoned 3rd […]