About The Book
The Seven Ways book is an active adventure based on insightful interviews with members of each personality type; peppered throughout are key texts in Jewish thought and kabbalah that will stimulate your intellect. Join the hundreds of people who’ve already purchased and benefited.
I can provide you with exclusive training in the Seven Ways system and offer private, affordable services to individuals, couples, groups and businesses, based on the Seven Ways system, classic personality systems, and innovative communication and educational methods.
The More Things Change, the More They Don’t Stay the Same
Parsha Print-Me Va’etchanan There is a very common tension that is found in religious groups, organizations, and even marriages that appears in many forms, but inevitably has the same subtle subtext underneath. It is essential for one to be aware of this tension, as we spend a great deal of time dealing with it. When […]
Perception & Projection
When you study the Torah, you inevitably find sources for insightful ideas or studies that have been gathered by human investigation and research. This is most notably true of psychological concepts. In this week’s Torah portion, Moshe (Moses) brings
The Top 4 Ways to Read The Seven Ways
In this post I discuss: Secrets of the book: I included hidden nuggets of information within the interviews; also, how you can positively impact yourself tremendously from the book. I realized that there are several different ways to read The Seven Ways that (1) people find most beneficial and (2)