by Rabbibailey | Oct 30, 2022 | Author blog, Rabbi Bailey’s Blog, Uncategorized
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Avraham Avinu (Abraham), Kayin & Hevel (Cain and Able), Adam the first Man, some people “get it” and others don’t. The work is ‘individuation’ and ‘differentiation’, not to be emotionally sunken into a group. Be yourself, reduce conflict, and become a better…leader…parents…everything. (Works for Lech-Lecha (Ch. 12) and Bereishis (Ch. 2) #lechlecha #bereishit #bereishis #torah #chumash #genesis #abraham #cainandabel #adam

by Rabbibailey | Dec 1, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Why Do Those Who Are Bullied Bully Others?
Vayishlach & The Origins of Bad Behavior
Genesis 36 yields the fact that a man engaged in incest with his own mother and bore a son named Anah, and that Anah created the mule, something the Talmud views as a negative act.