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Omer Days 1 and 2: Sefirot of Sefirat HaOmer

Sefirat HaOmer

Day 1 of the Omer: Chesed shebchesed: All beginnings–life, businesses, relationships, study, etc.–begin with validation; they start with a reason to exist, to start. To begin with reasons “not to” would destroy them. Day 2 of the Omer: Gevurah shebchesed  even in beginnings (see prev), with validation and reasons to exist/act, one must hold oneself backa bit. #sefirat #haomer (more…)

Why Isn’t Sodom Destroyed with Water? Or Noah’s Generation with Salt & Fire? Vayera and the Moral Fabric of Society (Chesed & Gevurah)

Why isn’t Sodom Destroyed with Water? Or Noah’s Generation with Salt & Fire? Vayera and the Moral Fabric of Society (Chesed & Gevurah)

Man says, “It was just a few beans!” and Gd says, “It was just a few drops of water.”

Sodom is destroyed with fire and salt, and Noah’s generation receives a flood. Why do these (more…)