by Rabbibailey | Apr 20, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#Omer 4 netzach shebchesed the moral fight for life Our values about supporting life/dealing with survival… ppls fervor to help living things (ppl, animals, plants)
#omer 5 hod shebchesed: We find people involved in helping life amazing. When you see specialness in people you can support them best #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Apr 18, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#omer 3 #tiferet #shebchesed support/giving should not be done excessively or stingily-it’s giving specifically whats needed #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Apr 17, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Omer 2 -gevurah shebchesed: sometimes the best way to be supportive is to hold back/do nothing (follows day 1 chesed shebchesed we must be preoccupied with helping)

by Rabbibailey | Apr 14, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Sefirat HaOmer
Day 1 of the Omer: Chesed shebchesed: All beginnings–life, businesses, relationships, study, etc.–begin with validation; they start with a reason to exist, to start. To begin with reasons “not to” would destroy them.
Day 2 of the Omer: Gevurah shebchesed even in beginnings (see prev), with validation and reasons to exist/act, one must hold oneself backa bit. #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Oct 31, 2013 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Be a Non-trepreneur Part 1: “Don’t Reinvent the Wheel”
An entrepreneurial spirit has always been a hallmark of (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Oct 16, 2013 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Why isn’t Sodom Destroyed with Water? Or Noah’s Generation with Salt & Fire? Vayera and the Moral Fabric of Society (Chesed & Gevurah)
Man says, “It was just a few beans!” and Gd says, “It was just a few drops of water.”
Sodom is destroyed with fire and salt, and Noah’s generation receives a flood. Why do these (more…)
by Rabbibailey | May 11, 2012 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
The #1 Thing on Your To Do List
Emor: Always Do This First
Printable PDF: Emor-Validate Validate Validate
Have you ever stated your opinion, only to (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Feb 2, 2012 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
How Giving Up Can Lead to Success
PDF Print for Shabbat Table! Beshalach
When G-d leads Israel out of Egypt, he circumvents the land of the mighty Philistines (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Dec 16, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Advanced Seven Ways: Why We All Hate Meetings So Much
PDF Vayeshev Why You Need a Time Out
Everywhere you look, people are offering their services as (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Nov 25, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Seven Ways Practical Applications II: When You’re the Armchair Coach
PDF Practical Applications II
Jimmy, Sam, and Peter have been best friends for years. Having grown up in (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Nov 4, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Home is Where the Mind Is
PDF Avraham Homeland
The question that I sent out earlier this week read: (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Oct 5, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Toward A More Meaningful Ushpizin
On Sukkot, we commemorate Israel’s dwelling in the desert in sukkahs with G-d’s protection. There is a custom to (more…)