The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version – How to Incorporate the Word “Consanguineous” Gratuitously
The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version
PDF Printout Opposites Don’t Attract Israel cries because (more…)Posted in
To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question: Tips on Dealing with Difficult People
To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question
Tips on Dealing with Difficult People
[due to the fact that one of the reasons for the maladies brought about in this week’s parshioth is interpersonal disharmony, I offer this post on facilitating harmony and communication]
Check out to my guest post on Anticipate Marketing !

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Why You Need a Time Out: Advanced Seven Ways
Advanced Seven Ways: Why We All Hate Meetings So Much
PDF Vayeshev Why You Need a Time OutEverywhere you look, people are offering their services as (more…)