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Gittin Aggados Podcasts (Daf Yomi or Regular Learning)

Podcast episodes for Aggadah, beginning with Maseches Gittin  (Daf Yomi or Regular Learning) Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other platforms Gittin 6b-7a: How Assertive Should Men be? What is the Recipe for a Good Marriage? Apple , Spotify     Gittin 7a: What Should You do if Someone is Harassing You? Apple Spotify     Gittin 7a-7b What Should Our Focus be in Galus (Exile, Diaspora)? Apple Spotify     Gittin 16b to 17a: Hashem Tries to Make Galus Easier For You Apple Spotify     Gittin 31b to 32a; Winds of Healing, Winds of Change Apple Spotify     Gittin 36b 38b 42a: Hashem Loves Us Silently in Galus; Don’t Ruin Wealth by Destroying Spirituality; Learn from Your Mistakes Apple Spotify     Gittin 55b-56a Kamtza & Bar Kamtza Part 1: The Destruction of ‘Taking Sides’ and Triangulation Apple Spotify     Gittin 45a 46 b 50a 52b; Accept the Imperfectness of Galus; Be Careful Who You Trust Apple Spotify     Gittin 55b-56a Kamtza & Bar Kamtza Parts 2 & 3: What is Baseless Hatred (Sinas Chinam)? And how can humility be bad? Apple Spotify     Gittin 56a to 57a Stories of Destruction, Arrogance, Disunity, and Humility Apple Spotify     Gittin 57a to 58a: Tragedy Continues, Wrestling with Rome Apple Spotify     Gittin 55b-57a; Dismantling of Israel: Mirror Image of Book of Judges Apple Spotify     Gittin 60a-b; You Create the Torah Apple Spotify     Gittin 57, 60, & 62; Cohen, Levi, Yosef & Scoundrel: Humble vs. Arrogant Leadership Apple Spotify Gittin 68a-b; King of the Demons Part 2: Harnessing the Dark Side Apple Spotify Gittin 68a-b; King of the Demons Part 2: Harnessing the Dark Side Apple Spotify Gittin 68b; King of the Demons Part 3: Return of the King Apple Spotify Gittin 47a and 88a; Reish Lakish’s Columbus-Like Adventure + The Original Dismantling of Israel Apple Spotify Gittin 90a & b; Divorce, Peace, and the Altar’s Tears Apple Spotify   (Gittin, divorce, Kiddushin, marriage, destruction, disconnect, disconnection, aggadah, aggados, Tzedakah, churban, galus, exile, galut, wealth, mourning, Romans, Persians, Galus, Esav, Galut, Galus, mistakes, Tisha B’av, The Three Weeks, Rome, Titus, Esav, Churban. Beis HaMikdash, Cohen, Levi, Malchut Malchus, Yosef, Yehoshua, Temple, Kamtza Bar Kamtza)