by Rabbibailey | Oct 13, 2021 | Author blog, Featured category, Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Available on these two platforms and others, as well:
Ch. 4 & 5 Part 2 Yael: Intimacy Morality and Women’s Power
Ch. 4 & 5 Part 3: Male-Female Relationships & Taking Initiative
Ch. 6-8 Part 1 Gideon: Bringing God into Everyday Life
Ch. 6-9; Gidon: Being Assertive in Gashmius (physical world) for Ruchnius’ (Spirituality’s) Sake
Ch. 10:1-5; Tola and Yair: Fear not! Keep Working and Giving to Others
10:6-12; Yiftach & The Crown: You Deserve Better Leaders…Demand Them

by Rabbibailey | May 2, 2021 | Author blog, Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Sefiras HaOmer Series: Sefiros 22-42
by Rabbibailey | May 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
46 sheb a unified organiz./governm. can privide amazing education and develop minds
47 sheb absolute control over the self/by a group can cause healing for many ppl
48 sheb the best way to fix issues & restructure is against our will; a benevolent king is the best government
by Rabbibailey | May 22, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
38 sheb balance of my ideas-what you can hear/my changing-what people can handle; often imagery & symbols #influence
39 sheb challenging ideology; redoing education; revolutionary facts
40 sheb ; typing; challenging emotions & relationships to improve; heal feelings
by Rabbibailey | May 19, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
34 (last nite/2day) sheb caring/empathy builds connection; emotional experiences can unite groups
35 sheb caring/empathy can enable you to manipulate/control people OR make them independent- choose wisely
by Rabbibailey | May 15, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
31 sheb give a gift/caring gesture the *recipient* wants NOT YOU the symbolism lies in the recipient not giver
32 sheb release of stress/healing emotional issues leads to better studying/concentration
33 shebhod help ppl b/c theyre unique indiv./ ppl feel better when made to feel unique and validated

by Rabbibailey | May 14, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
29 sheb unmitigated helping. We mjust care, care care…be obsessed with helping
30 (Tomm) sheb often, it’s better not to help. Better for you..better for them
by Rabbibailey | May 8, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
sheb It’s important to use creative educational methods
sheb truth is only clear once you use piercing, grinding analytic analysis
sheb education must take emotional factors into consideration in order to be successful

by Rabbibailey | May 1, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
17 shebtiferet a joke within a joke, seeing yourself in a dream, good creativity= idea+precision
18 shebtiferet analysis/facts w/in creativity lead to science, inventions, philosophy, unified theories etc.
19 shebtiferet creativity can evoke emotion: art therapy, dramatic arts, moving paintings, video, music, etc.
by Rabbibailey | Apr 27, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#Omer 12 #hod sheb #Gevurah tense talks can lead to emotional release/connection #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Apr 20, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#Omer 4 netzach shebchesed the moral fight for life Our values about supporting life/dealing with survival… ppls fervor to help living things (ppl, animals, plants)
#omer 5 hod shebchesed: We find people involved in helping life amazing. When you see specialness in people you can support them best #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Mar 12, 2012 | Q & A, Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
A New Question: What Happens When we Remove Part of Your Brain?
One of the questions that is asked to me most frequently is: do we really only have only 3 or the 7 possible qualities that make up our personality? Don’t we have all of the traits?
In a now-famous case, a man had the part of his brain removed that controlled (more…)