Sefirat HaOmer 28: Malchut ShebNetzach by Rabbibailey | May 12, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog #omer #sefirah 28 #malchut sheb #netzach to find truth massive amt of info need to be compared & analyzed+ all knowledge is connected #the7w Posted in Rabbi Bailey’s Blog Tags : analysisinfoknowledgemalchutNetzach
Sefirat HaOmer 23: Gevurah ShebNetzach by Rabbibailey | May 8, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog #sefirah #haomer 23 #gevurah sheb #netzach sometimes, it’s better not to share info, better not to teach ppl (e.g. who would abuse it) #omer Posted in Rabbi Bailey’s Blog Tags : gevurahinfoNetzachrestraintwisdom