Omer 6 & 7: Yesod and Malchus ShebChesed
Omer 6 & 7 yesod and malchut shebchesed giving can influence people and have a big impact on them- positive but even control, #sefirat #haomer

Dreams are important, but extended stick-to-itiveness and (more…)
When G-d leads Israel out of Egypt, he circumvents the land of the mighty Philistines (more…)
On Sukkot, we commemorate Israel’s dwelling in the desert in sukkahs with G-d’s protection. There is a custom to (more…)
“When you come to the land that Hashem your G-d is
giving to you … you must place a king upon yourselves …”
(Deut. 17:14)
Good malchut has been robbed from us. By good malchut I mean (more…)