Sefirat HaOmer 45: Tiferet ShebMalchut by Rabbibailey | May 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog#Omer 45 #tiferet sheb #malchut PATRIOTISM beauty of government/organizations; government utilizing symbolism and metaphor – can be used for better and for worse, to inspire or to control #the7w #sefirah Posted in Rabbi Bailey’s Blog Tags : malchutmetaphorpatriotismsymbolismtiferet
Sefirat HaOmer 15: Chesed ShebTiferes by Rabbibailey | Apr 29, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog #sefirat #omer 15 #Chesed sheb #tiferes . #gevurah was too detailed #chesed too broad; tiferes=balance broad in detail=*symbolism* art music Posted in Rabbi Bailey’s Blog Tags : artchesedmetaphorsymbolismtiferet