by Rabbibailey | May 1, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
17 shebtiferet a joke within a joke, seeing yourself in a dream, good creativity= idea+precision
18 shebtiferet analysis/facts w/in creativity lead to science, inventions, philosophy, unified theories etc.
19 shebtiferet creativity can evoke emotion: art therapy, dramatic arts, moving paintings, video, music, etc.
by Rabbibailey | Apr 25, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#omer 11 netzach shebgevurah: judgement & criticism need values and thought, otherwise they’re just destructive #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Apr 20, 2014 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
#Omer 4 netzach shebchesed the moral fight for life Our values about supporting life/dealing with survival… ppls fervor to help living things (ppl, animals, plants)
#omer 5 hod shebchesed: We find people involved in helping life amazing. When you see specialness in people you can support them best #sefirat #haomer
by Rabbibailey | Mar 12, 2012 | Q & A, Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
A New Question: What Happens When we Remove Part of Your Brain?
One of the questions that is asked to me most frequently is: do we really only have only 3 or the 7 possible qualities that make up our personality? Don’t we have all of the traits?
In a now-famous case, a man had the part of his brain removed that controlled (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Feb 24, 2012 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
What’s Really Perplexing Moshe
A midrash portrays Moshe as (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Feb 9, 2012 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
When Great Leaders Dispute, Who is Correct?
Moshe provides the service of (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Oct 5, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Toward A More Meaningful Ushpizin
On Sukkot, we commemorate Israel’s dwelling in the desert in sukkahs with G-d’s protection. There is a custom to (more…)
by Rabbibailey | Sep 14, 2011 | Rabbi Bailey’s Blog
Key Tavo: He Doesn’t Hate You, You Read It Wrong; When Assistance Is Met With Rudeness
Have you ever offered to help someone and they brushed you off or ignored you? Have you ever helped someone and they did not say (more…)