Famous People with the 7 Types of Personalities
VideoFamous People with the 7 Types of Personalities
Please note this is the academic version, and has popular cultural references (although I do mention each Biblical type under my breath). Another video will follow with examples that are from the religious realm).

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Basic Explanation Series: Enneagram of Personality

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Basic Explanation Series: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
4 trait scales= 16 types, with 4 major groupings.
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What is Seven Ways Wellness?
Seven Ways Wellness
“Seven Ways Wellness” is the name of my integrated approach to (more…)
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Old Habits Die Hard: What’s Holding You Back?
Old Habits Die Hard: What’s Holding You Back?
PDF Printout-Old Habits Die HardYou’ve probably heard the idea that children should receive (more…)
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So You Think You Can Change Him?
How Giving Up Can Lead to Success
PDF Print for Shabbat Table! BeshalachWhen G-d leads Israel out of Egypt, he circumvents the land of the mighty Philistines (more…)