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Why is it so Hard for People to Settle Disagreements? Why can’t we Easily Find Win-Wins and Compromise Peacefully?

Why is it so Hard for People to Settle Disagreements? Why can’t we Easily Find Win-Wins and Compromise Peacefully?

  PDF Printout Korach & Settling Disputes

One of the major reasons that people don’t settle disputes as much as they should is (more…)

The One Basic Resolution to Conflict: A Quick Simple Way to Improve Your Marriage or Office

The One Basic Resolution to Conflict: A Quick Simple Way to Improve Your Marriage or Office & Why the Sonics-Thunder Sham Hurts so Much (for non-Sports people too)

  PDF Shlach Sonics Attachment To lessen conflict between two or more (more…)

To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question: Tips on Dealing with Difficult People

To be or Not to be Nice, That’s the Question

Tips on Dealing with Difficult People

Printable PDF

[due to the fact that one of the reasons for the maladies brought about in this week’s parshioth is interpersonal disharmony, I offer this post on facilitating harmony and communication]

Check out to my guest post on Anticipate Marketing !



5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education & Brief Praise for The 7W Book

5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education

& Brief Praise for The 7W Book

Printable PDF Experiential Learning

“Thank you so much for sharing [The Seven Ways]… I loved the line [by the creativity-filled Chapter 3 interviewee], ‘someone took…the time to teach me in a way that I needed to be taught.’” – A well-seasoned 3rd grade teacher.

In the (more…)