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Why is it so Hard for People to Settle Disagreements? Why can’t we Easily Find Win-Wins and Compromise Peacefully?

Why is it so Hard for People to Settle Disagreements? Why can’t we Easily Find Win-Wins and Compromise Peacefully?

  PDF Printout Korach & Settling Disputes

One of the major reasons that people don’t settle disputes as much as they should is (more…)

5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education & Brief Praise for The 7W Book

5 Lines on Leaving Formal Education

& Brief Praise for The 7W Book

Printable PDF Experiential Learning

“Thank you so much for sharing [The Seven Ways]… I loved the line [by the creativity-filled Chapter 3 interviewee], ‘someone took…the time to teach me in a way that I needed to be taught.’” – A well-seasoned 3rd grade teacher.

In the (more…)

The More Things Change, the More They Don’t Stay the Same

Parsha Print-Me 


There is a very common tension that is found in religious groups, organizations, and even marriages that appears in many forms, but inevitably has the same subtle subtext underneath. It is essential for one to be aware of this tension, as we spend a great deal of time dealing with it. When a business or non-profit initially (more…)